Hydrogen Conversion Calculator

Calculate H2 Mass

Instructions: Use the circles on the left to select which variable you would like to calculate.
Then enter your values and select units for each, including the variable being calculated.
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  • Input is not a valid number!
  • Input is not a valid number!
  • Input is not a valid number!
  • Input is not a valid number!

About this calculator

This calculator is just a basic tool made to easily figure out the volume or mass of hydrogen at pressure.
Boyle's law is fine and dandy until the pressures get higher and start to deviate from the actual value.

The base calculation comes from the paper, "Revised Standardized Equation for Hydrogen Gas Densities for Fuel Consumption Applications" (link) by Eric W. Lemmon, Marcia L. Huber (National Institute of Standards and Technology), and Jacob W. Leachman (University of Wisconsin-Madison Cryogenics Lab); published in the Journal of Research of the National Institute of Standards and Technology, dated July 22, 2008.
Calculation simplified in order to be able to calculate mass, volume, pressure, or temperature using various units. I wasn't able to solve the equations to get temperature or pressure as the solution.

Use the contact tab above if you have any questions or issues.

